Description: Interview with Boston Pops conductor John Williams in back room at Symphony Hall. He compares the repertoires and missions of the Pops versus the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He speaks about his possible plans for expanding the repertoire of the orchestra, the types of music they might adapt, and the changes it would require. He says he doesn't want to use Pops as a place to showcase his own work. He laughs about kids always asking why he doesn't play Star Wars. He discusses his future involvement with Pops and staying in Boston. They shoot cutaways with no audio. Lydon reasks questions, with audio.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 07/01/1981
Description: Carmen Fields interviews three Northeastern journalism students on the coverage of the Persian Gulf war. Two students are impressed with the immediacy of the coverage provided by television (CNN and the networks), but the other thinks that it is "not as in-depth as it could get." Fields contrasts the commitment to "the people's right to know" of Watergate-era journalists with the students' views regarding the importance of censorship to protect national security and the lives of individual soldiers. The students also discuss the missing CBS news crew led by Bob Simon, and question the news team's decision to report in a war zone without a military escort.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/18/1991
Description: Courtroom visual of Boston School Desegregation Case. Judge W. Arthur Garrity, Thomas Atkins, Mary Simonds. (Sketches only)
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/05/1985
Description: W. Arthur Garrity (federal judge) speaks at a meeting of the Citywide Educational Coalition (CWEC). Jane Margulis (CWEC) introduces Garrity. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools), Sidney Smith (Headmaster, English High School), and Ellen Guiney (CWEC) sit on stage. Garrity talks about his efforts to wrap up the school desegregation case. He says that there are a few lingering matters to be handled before he withdraws. Garrity thanks the CWEC for providing factual and reliable information about school desegregation. Garrity talks about a "sea of misinformation" surrounding school desegregation. He refutes rumors that he was involved in hiring teachers and buying supplies. Garrity compliments John Coakley (Boston School Department) on his career in the Boston School Department; he mentions Coakley's integrity and dedication to his job. Garrity sums up the challenges facing the Boston Public Schools; he says that school integration is an ongoing process. Reel 1
0:59:59: Visual: Arthur Garrity (federal judge) speaks at English High School at the annual meeting of the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC). Garrity is at the end of his involvement in the Boston school desegregation case. Jane Margulis (CWEC) introduces Garrity. Garrity sits on stage, with a group of officials including Laval Wilson (Superintendent of Boston Public Schools), Sidney Smith (Headmaster, English High School), and Ellen Guiney (CWEC). Margulis tells a few anecdotes as she introduces Garrity. Garrity shakes her hand and kisses her on the cheek as he approaches the podium. 1:02:17: V: Garrity thanks Margulis. Garrity tells a story about how he and Margulis spoke at a seminar about school desegregation in Virginia. Garrity says that members of the audience were so impressed with Margulis that she received a job offer on the spot from a school system in Texas. Garrity says that he has not come to talk about the final court orders that he handed down on September 3. Garrity reads from the canon of judicial conduct, which instructs a judge not to comment publicly on court proceedings. Garrity reminds the audience that the court case is not entirely over; that the Boston Teacher's Union has filed an appeal of the court orders issued on September 3. Garrity says that he has extended the time period in which other appeals may be filed. Garrity adds that there is another court hearing on Friday to discuss support services for the Boston Latin School. Garrity talks about a motion filed by the city of Boston to modify one of the court orders dealing with emergency school repairs. 1:07:57: V: Garrity says that he has come to thank the Citywide Education Coalition (CWEC). Garrity commends the CWEC for gathering and disseminating factual information since the beginning of desegregation. Garrity says that there was "a sea of misinformation" during that time period. Garrity cites an article from The New York Times written on September 6. The article says that Garrity was involved in hiring teachers and buying supplies. Garrity says that it is "laughable" to think that he was involved in those areas of the school system. Garrity notes that he was only involved in the hiring of one person; that he helped to hire Jerome Wynegar (Headmaster, South Boston High School). Garrity says that he wanted to acknowledge the debt owed to the CWEC by the court. Garrity adds that he wanted to meet Laval Wilson; that Wilson has a good reputation as a school administrator. Garrity says that he wanted to be present to honor John Coakley (Boston School Department). Garrity says that the Boston school desegregation case "is nothing else if not a hundred stories." Garrity talks about referring to one of the school desegregation plans filed in court as "the Coakley plan," because it was written by Coakley. He adds that a friend counseled him to stop calling it the "Coakley plan" so as not to ruin Coakley's future in the Boston School Department. Garrity says that he had recently written a a memo connected to one of the court orders, in which he commended Coakley's conscientious job performance. Garrity talks about Coakley's integrity and dedication to his job. Garrity says that there never would have been a student assignment system without Coakley. 1:12:56: V: Garrity says that school desegregation is an ongoing process. Garrity talks about the many tasks facing the Boston Public School System. Garrity talks about differences between the city of Boston and the state over the budget for facilities and school repair. Garrity talks about the need to determine which schools will get money to improve facilities. Garrity talks about the question of the Latin Schools. Garrity notes that the Boston Globe recently printed a letter from Robert Dentler (Dean of Education, Boston University) on the subject of the Latin Schools. Garrity denies charges printed in the newspapers that he vetoed a plan to improve the Latin Schools. Garrity adds that no plan has been filed to improve the Latin Schools. Garrity says that critics have misread the court orders; that planning must be undertaken for the Latin Schools. Garrity talks about the challenges involved in plans to improve vocational and occupational education. Garrity notes that the Boston School Committee faces some deadlines in its plans to improve vocational education. Garrity stresses that there is much work remaining to be done in the schools; that "the challenges of the future are greater than the challenges of the past." Garrity commends Rita Walsh-Tomasini (Boston School Committee) for advocating the formation of a committee to work with parents' organizations in the schools.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 09/23/1985
Description: David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett, a former employee, has settled a wrongful dismissal complaint against the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Gannett claims that she was fired for filing a complaint with HUD against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) for discriminatory housing policies. Footage from an interview with Gannett in 1987. HUD officials claim that Gannett was fired for inappropriately questioning Doris Bunte of the BHA during a meeting. Interview with Gannett and her attorney Elizabeth Rogers. Gannett talks about the case and says that her complaint against the BHA was ignored. Gannett says that she did not question Bunte inappropriately, but asked if Bunte had asked for protection for minority families moving into white housing projects. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett was impertinent towards her during a meeting. Boeri reports on the deal reached by the two parties. Following the edited story is b-roll of Gannett.
1:00:08: V: Footage of Kathy Gannett (former HUD employee) saying that no one seemed to want to listen to her when she filed a complaint about discrimination in public housing in Boston. Shots of white parochial school students walking toward a housing project in South Boston; of white residents sitting on park benches outside of a housing project in South Boston; of a young white boy scrambling under a fence near a housing project in South Boston; of white children near a housing project in South Boston. David Boeri reports that Kathy Gannett is a former employee of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); that Gannett filed a complaint against the Boston Housing Authority (BHA) last fall. Boeri reports that Gannett wrote a report on occupancy in BHA housing; that HUD buried the report for eighteen months. Boeri notes that the BHA maintained that there were no African American families in public housing in South Boston because white families were higher up on the waiting list. V: Shot of Gannett walking into a building. Footage of Gannett from 1987 saying that African American families were passed over on the waiting list for apartments in South Boston public housing projects; that the BHA is denying access to public housing projects on the basis of skin color. Shots of white residents in front of housing project buildings in South Boston. Boeri reports that Gannett claimed she was fired because of her report on discrimination in BHA housing. Boeri notes that HUD officials say that Gannett was fired because of her questioning of Doris Bunte (BHA) at a meeting between BHA and HUD officials. V: Shot of Bunte speaking to a reporter. Footage of Gannett saying that Bunte said that BHA would not move forward with desegregation until it received extra funding for security. Footage of Boeri interviewing Gannett and Elizabeth Rogers (attorney for Gannett). Rogers says that Gannett asked Bunte if the BHA had asked the mayor for adequate protection for minority families in white housing projects. Boeri reports that Gannett says that she was polite to Bunte during the meeting. Boeri quotes Bunte as saying that Gannett's question was "impertinent and inappropriate, if not actually hostile." V: Shot of a HUD document. A quote from Bunte is written in text on-screen. Boeri reports that Gannett filed suit; that she has settled the suit. Boeri notes that the settlement has wiped the firing incident from Gannett's record. V: Shot of Rogers and Gannett. Shot of Gannett exiting a building with a small group of people. Audio of Gannett asking how the city of Boston will protect minority families who choose to live in white housing developments. Boeri stands in City Hall Plaza. Boeri talks about Gannett's settlement with HUD. Boeri notes that HUD did not apologize to Gannett; that Bunte had no comment on the settlement.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/11/1988
Description: David Boeri reports that Boston City Councilor James Kelly along with City Councilor Dapper O'Neil, and white public housing tenants walks to the courthouse to file a suit against the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to stop the federal plan aimed at ending the city of Boston's discriminatory public housing policies. The federal plan mandates a citywide waiting list for public housing, on which the position of white tenants has now dropped. Boeri reports on the housing situations of Pamela Walsh (plaintiff) and William Katramados. Boeri notes that both are on the waiting list for public housing and their positions on the waiting list have dropped. Interview with Walsh and Katramados. Boeri's report is accompanied by footage of Walsh with her two children in temporary housing and by footage of the Katramados family's overcrowded apartment. Kelly, at a press conference, says that the federal plan gives minority applicants preference. He adds that white tenants are being denied housing on the basis of their race. Boeri reports that Kelly has been unable to find a law firm to take the case.
1:00:16: Visual: Footage of James Kelly (Boston City Council), Dapper O'Neil (Boston City Council), and a small group of people exiting City Hall. Kelly, O'Neil and the group walk across City Hall Plaza. The group with Kelly and O'Neil includes white applicants for public housing. David Boeri reports that Kelly will file suit to stop the federal plan aimed at remedying discrimination in Boston's public housing policy. Boeri notes that Kelly's fellow plaintiffs are white housing applicants. Boeri adds that Kelly says that white housing applicants are the real victims of discrimination. Boeri reports that Pamela Walsh (plaintiff) is living with her parents in Cambridge while she is on the waiting list to get into public housing in South Boston. V: Shots of Walsh walking through a small park; of Walsh with her children in the basement of a house. Footage of Walsh pointing out where her children sleep. Shots of Walsh and her children in a kitchen. Boeri reports that Walsh had been sixth on the waiting list to get into the Old Colony Housing Project in South Boston; that Walsh is now 483rd on a city-wide waiting list under the new federal housing plan. V: Footage of Walsh saying that she had been on the waiting list for five years; that she will now have to wait another two or three years. Boeri reports that William Katramados (plaintiff) is married; that there is no room for him to live in his family's apartment. V: Shot of Katramados walking into a housing project building. Footage of Boeri in the Katramados' apartment with William Katramados and his family. A family member says that eight people live in the apartment. Shots of family members in the crowded apartment. Boeri reports that Katramados's wife lives with her mother, her brother, her sister and her children in the apartment. V: Footage of the family members indicating the bed where one of the children sleeps. Katramados' daughter says that she sleeps in her mother's room. Footage of Boeri being shown a bedroom by William Katramados and Sandra Katramados (wife of William). Shot of an infant in a cradle. Boeri reports that Sandra Katramados shares a room with her five-week-old babies and her daughter; that William Katramados lives in Brighton. Boeri notes that the Katramados family was third on a waiting list for a larger apartment until the federal housing plan took effect. V: Footage of William Katramados saying that the family is now around number 2,000 on the waiting list. Boeri walks outside of the Maverick Street Housing Project. A group of children cool off in a spray of water from a fire hydrant. Boeri reports that the Katramados requested another apartment in the Maverick Street Housing Project; that the Katramados were willing to wait for an apartment to open up in the project. Boeri reports that the new federal housing plan consoidates waiting lists for individual housing projects into a city-wide waiting list. V: Footage of Kelly and O'Neil walking down a street with Katramados and other plaintiffs. Shot of Katramados. Boeri reports that Kelly accuses the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of victimizing the plaintiffs; that Kelly wants HUD to target the metropolitan area for public housing integration. V: Footage of Kelly speaking from a podium. The plaintiffs are seated behind him. Kelly says that the federal plan gives minority applicants preference on the city-wide waiting list; that other applicants are denied housing on the basis of race under the federal plan. Boeri reports that Kelly was unable to find a law firm to take the case; that Kelly may have to argue the case himself in court.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/03/1988
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that City Councilor James Kelly denies that Boston's public housing policy is discriminatory and plans to ask the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for proof of discrimination. He has proposed an alternative housing policy which allows tenants to choose where they want to live. Mayor Ray Flynn has agreed to present Kelly's plan to HUD for discussion. Kelly and Flynn attend a South Boston community meeting, where Kelly speaks out against housing integration. The crowd jeers at Flynn as he approaches the stage. Von Mehren's report is accompanied by footage of white and African American residents of housing projects in Boston.
1:00:06: Visual: Shot of James Kelly (Boston City Council) at a community meeting in South Boston. Shots of audience members at the meeting applauding; of Ray Flynn (Mayor of Boston) at the meeting. Audio of audience members booing Flynn. Jan von Mehren reports that Kelly called a community meeting in South Boston to discuss public housing; that Flynn attended the meeting; that Flynn was booed by the crowd. V: Footage of Kelly at the meeting. Kelly dismisses the findings of discrimination in Boston public housing. Shot of a sign for the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing Development; of white women and children of a park bench; of a white boy scrambling under a fence near a housing project in South Boston. Von Mehren reports that there are approximately 2,000 housing units in South Boston; that no African American families have been placed in South Boston since Flynn entered office. Von Mehren reports that Kelly will ask the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for proof of discrimination; that Kelly has come up with an alternative housing plan. V: Footage of Kelly speaking at the meeting. Audience members are crowded into the room. Kelly talks about his "freedom of choice" housing plan, in which no family would be placed in a neighborhood without their consent. Von Mehren notes that Kelly's plan would permit African American families to move into white housing projects; that Kelly's plan would not force white families to move into primarily African American housing projects. V: Shots of a racially diverse group of children outside of a housing project. Von Mehren stands at the entrance to the community meeting in South Boston. Von Mehren reports that Flynn has promised to discuss Kelly's plan to HUD; that he will not submit the plan if it is deemed discriminatory. V: Footage of Flynn at the meeting. Flynn says that he will try to achieve as much choice as is possible in the new plan; that the new plan will not discriminate. Von Mehren reports that Flynn made clear that he has an obligation to work with HUD. Von Mehren notes that Kelly was clear about his intention to fight for South Boston residents. V: Shots of Flynn at the meeting; of Kelly at the meeting; of audience members.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/01/1988
Description: Kenmore Square and Brighton night environs. Nightclubs, liquor stores, package stores, and bars: Rathskeller, Narcissus, Bunratty's. Cameramen and reporter talk in background. They discuss all of the Boston University students in the area and the use of positive identification to prevent underage drinking. Allston/Brighton police station. Two detectives are interviewed in the lobby of the station. They answer questions about the problems of underage drinking and fake identification. They give their opinion on the changes that will occur based on the newly raised drinking age.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/02/1985
Description: Edgartown story after the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne. Silent footage of District Attorney Edmund Dinis addressing reporters. Bill Zimmerman interviews Edgartown police chief Dominic Arena about the effect of the drowning and subsequent trial on his notoriety. They joke around while shooting cutaways. Exterior shots of the town offices and Edgartown streets scenes. A take of Zimmerman's reporter standup in front of Chief Arena directing traffic. Logan Airport runway environs. Senator Ted Kennedy and Joan Kennedy deboard plane and walk through airport to their car. Exterior shots of the County of Dukes County Courthouse. D.A. Dinis and others involved in the trial enter the court house. Interior shots of the Edgartown police station. Chief Arena jokes around while shooting environs.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 08/08/1969
Description: Interview with John Kerrigan, chairman of the Boston School Committee. He discusses the recent distribution of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) literature at the girls Latin and English high schools.
Collection: WHDH
Date Created: 09/18/1969