Description: Interview with mystery writer Jane Langton on art theft at Gardner Museum, which somewhat parallels one of her novels. B-roll follows of interiors of Gardner Museum and planted atrium. Guards, antique furniture, tapestries, paintings. Police line. Museum employee discussing investigation in the background while filming b-roll.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 03/19/1990
Description: Marcus Jones reports on proposals by Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) to improve educational standards in the Boston Public School System. Jones' report includes footage of Wilson at a press conference. Wilson discusses his goals and agenda for improving the level of education in the school system. Jones reviews Wilson's proposals. Jones' report includes footage from an interview with John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee). Nucci comments on Wilson's proposals and talks about efforts by the Boston School Committee to find funding for the proposals.
0:59:59: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) at a press conference, talking about his goal to improve the level of education in the Boston Public School System. Marcus Jones reports that Wilson has proposed a comprehensive education improvement plan for the schools; that the plan is now under review by the Boston School Committee. V: Footage of Wilson saying that 20% of first graders did not pass first grade last year; that Boston students do not read well; that students do not perform well on standardized tests. Jones reports that the average senior graduating from Boston Public Schools read at a seventh grade level; that Wilson wants to raise that level. V: Shots of students in a classroom; of male high school students in the hallway of a high school. Footage of Wilson saying that graduating seniors should be able to read at the eighth grade level at least; that eighth graders should be able to read at a sixth grade level. Shot of a school hallway. On-screen text lists Wilson's proposals for stricter promotion standards, for more reading assignments, for programs to retain dropouts and for an increase in writing and math course work. Shots of a teacher teaching reading to elementary school students; of students in the classroom. Jones reports that budget cuts may force the layoff of forty teachers. V: Footage of Wilson saying that some positions and programs can be cut from the budget. Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that the School Committee needs to find ways to fund Wilson's initiatives; that the School Committee is already cutting the school budget by $10 million. Nucci says that Wilson's proposals are valuable; that the School Committee will cut the budget to fund the proposals. Jones stands outside the offices of the Boston School Committee. Jones reports that Wilson's initiatives will address sixteen areas of concern in the school system; that Wilson submitted thirteen proposals to the School Committee today.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/12/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that Dr. Laval Wilson, Superintendent of Boston Public Schools, has announced cuts to the school budget. Jones outlines the nature of the cost-saving measures and reports that additional cuts may be necessary. Wilson talks about the budget at a press conference. Interview with John Nucci, President of Boston School Committee, about Wilson's attempt to cut costs in the budget. Jones notes that the Boston School Committee has rejected Wilson's proposal to consolidate eight schools. School Committee meeting. This tape includes additional footage from the end of a news story on mental illness.
1:01:08: Marcus Jones reports that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) has announced cuts to the school budget. Visual: Shots of Wilson at a press conference; of an audience member looking at a handout of the budget. Footage of Wilson saying that he was faced with difficult decisions when he made the budget cuts. Shots of a list of names of school administrators targeted for layoffs. Jones reports that the superintendent submitted a $292 million budget last month; that the mayor had allotted $288 million for the school budget. Jones notes that the total for the new budget is $289.3 million; that more budget cuts may be necessary. V: Footage of Wilson saying that he has tried not to cut programs; that he has made minimal cuts in the school support staff. Shot of the printed cover of Wilson's preliminary budget. Jones reports that Wilson has recommended layoffs for 90 teachers, administrators and office workers; that Wilson has cut chosen not to implement a $2 million program geared toward reducing the school dropout rate; that Wilson had eliminated a $6 million request for repairs to aging school facilities. V: Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that Wilson has made a good effort to preserve educational programs while staying within the budget. Jones reports that the School Committee vetoed Wilson's proposal to cut costs by closing or consolidating eight schools. Jones notes that Wilson has made cuts elsewhere in the budget. V: Shots of audience members at a School Committee meeting. The audience members hold up signs protesting school closings. Shot of a sign reading, "JP is a pleasure because JP is a treasure." Shots of Wilson at the meeting. Footage of Nucci saying that the School Committee will not cut educational programs for at-risk youth; that the Boston Public Schools have an "astronomical dropout rate." Marcus Jones stands outside the offices of the Boston School Committee. Jones reports that the School Committee will discuss the new budget proposal next Tuesday; that members of the public will have an opportunity to weigh in on the proposed budget.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 05/14/1986
Description: Jan von Mehren reports that Boston superintendent Laval Wilson was let go by the Boston School Committee. Wilson attended an event honoring the partnership between the Boston Public Schools and the John Hancock Insurance Company. Interview with Sandra Willet of the John Hancock Company, who praises Wilson for his support of business-school partnerships. Wilson speaks to reporters at the event. He says that reading and math scores improved dramatically while he was superintendent. Wilson accuses the School Committee of not working with the superintendent to achieve goals. School Committee members Rita Walsh-Tomasini and Abigail Browne are in attendance at the event. Interviews with Browne and Walsh-Tomansini, who say that Wilson is not the right person to manage the Boston Public Schools. Von Mehren reports that some members of the School Committee believe that racism is behind Wilson's firing. Interview with Committee member John O'Bryant says that Wilson would have had a different experience if he were white. Von Mehren notes that O'Bryant has compared Wilson's firing to the firing of the superintendent in Selma, Alabama. Von Mehren's report features footage from a student demonstration in Selma, Alabama in 1990. Walsh-Tomasini says that race had nothing to do with Wilson's situation. This edition of the Ten O'Clock News also included the following items: Hope Kelly reviews the major events and key issues during the tenure of Laval Wilson and Meg Vaillancourt interviews Nthabiseng Mabuza about the release of Nelson Mandela
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 02/14/1990
Description: Meg Vaillancourt reports that The Boston Herald newspaper has accused Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) of misusing the credit card of the Boston School Department. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson has denied the charges and has demanded a retraction from The Boston Herald. Vaillancourt's report includes footage of Wilson at a press conference with Philip Crowe (attorney for Wilson). Wilson talks about the accusations and denies any wrongdoing. Crowe adds that Wilson may sue The Boston Herald for libel. Vaillancourt notes that Alan Eisner (Editor, The Boston Herald) has refused to print a retraction. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson may have been dropped from consideration for a position with the New York City Public School System because of the Herald article. Vaillancourt adds that Wilson is an "embattled superintendent."
1:00:04: Visual: Footage of Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) at a press conference. Wilson sits at a round table with his lawyer at his side. Wilson says, "That's a blatant lie." Meg Vaillancourt reports that Wilson has adamently denied accusations by The Boston Herald that he has misused a credit card belonging to the Boston School Department. V: Footage of Wilson demanding a front-page retraction of the accusations and an editorial retraction. Shot of a newspaper photo of Wilson. On-screen text details the Herald's accusations against Wilson. Vaillancourt reports that The Boston Herald has accused Wilson of double-billing the city for travel expenses; of taking improper cash advances on the School Department's credit card; of being late in filing expense reports. Vaillancourt notes that the Herald says that Wilson's tardiness in filing expense reports has cost the city $589 in interest charges on the credit card. V: Footage of Wilson saying that the Herald reporter is intentionally misrepresenting the facts. Vaillancourt notes that Wilson admitted to the accrual of interest charges on the credit card due to his tardiness in filing expense reports. Vaillancourt adds that Wilson has denied all of the other charges. V: Shots of Wilson at the press conference. Wilson holds up a notebook for the reporters. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson showed reporters credit card receipts; that Wilson said that he gave those receipts to The Boston Herald to review. Vaillancourt reports that Wilson has accused the Herald of sensationalizing the story. V: Footage of Wilson saying that the story and editorial in the Herald were malicious. Vaillancourt reports that the Herald is standing by its story. V: Shot of reporters in a newsroom. A quote by Alan Eisner (Editor, The Boston Herald) appears on screen in text. Vaillancourt quotes Eisner as saying, "We have no intention of giving Wilson a retraction." Vaillancourt also quotes Eisner as saying, "The city documents we examined show a clear pattern of credit card abuse." Vaillancourt reports that Wilson was in the process of applying for a position with the New York City Public School System when the Herald story was published. V: Shot of Wilson at the press conference. Shot of the Herald article with a headline reading, "State pays for Wilson credit 'abuse'." Vaillancourt quotes sources as saying that Wilson is no longer a finalist for the job in New York. V: Footage of Wilson saying that he intends to find out if the Herald story had a negative impact on his candidacy for the job. Footage of Philip Crowe (attorney for Laval Wilson) saying that Wilson may bring a libel suit against the Herald. Shots of Wilson sitting at a meeting with members of the Boston School Committee in May of 1986; of the audience at the School Committee meeting. Vaillancourt says that it is not clear whether Wilson is innocent or guilty; that the story has created problems for Wilson, who is "an embattled superintendent."
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/22/1987
Description: Marcus Jones reports that superintendent Laval Wilson is frustrated because the Boston School Committee has twice rejected his proposal to consolidate Boston high schools. Interviews with School Committee members John Nucci, Joseph Casper and John O'Bryant. Nucci says that Wilson is frustrated by a lack of support from some members of the Committee. Casper accuses the minority members of the School Committee of causing trouble for Wilson. O'Bryant resents Casper's accusations that the minority members of the Committee vote in a bloc. Jones notes that some critics accuse the committee of focusing too much on the daily operations of the schools and not enough on educational policy. Interview with City Councilor Michael McCormack. O'Bryant and Casper differ on how much parental participation they think should be encouraged by Wilson and the School Committee. A spokesperson for Wilson says that Wilson has no intention of leaving his post. Footage of a Boston School Committee meeting.
1:00:08: Marcus Jones reports that school officials are are concerned that Dr. Laval Wilson (Superintendent, Boston Public Schools) may leave the Boston Public Schools. Jones notes that Wilson was frustrated after the Boston School Committee's second rejection of his plan to consolidate Boston high schools. Visual: Shots of Wilson and members of the School Committee at a meeting of the Boston School Committee. Footage of John Nucci (President, Boston School Committee) saying that Wilson is committed to the Boston Public Schools; that Wilson is frustrated by a lack of support from certain members of the School Committee; that this lack of support needs to be addressed. Jones reports that Wilson's consolidation plan for Boston Latin Academy, Boston Technical High School and Madison Park High School initially won council approval by a margin of 5 to 4; that the four minority votes were abstentions. Jones notes that School Committee members Jean McGuire and John O'Bryant voted against the plan on a second vote. V: Shots of a plaque reading "Boston Latin Academy"; of the sign reading "Boston Technical High School," hanging above the door to the school; of the exterior of Madison Park High School. Shots of McGuire and O'Bryant at a School Committee meeting. Shots of Wilson. Jones notes that the proposal was defeated; that Wilson suggested that the School Committee should begin looking for another superintendent. V: Footage of Joe Casper (member, Boston School Committee) saying that the superintendent is getting "nailed" by the minority members of the School Committee; that the white members of the school committee are not causing trouble for Wilson. Footage of John O'Bryant (member, Boston School Committee) saying that the votes of the minority members of the School Committee are often split; that no one ever accuses white members of the School Committee of voting in a bloc. Jones reports that Wilson has won more battles with the School Committee than he has lost. V: Shots of Wilson and the School Committee members in a meeting. Shots of School Committee members John Grady, Kevin McCluskey, Casper and Thomas O'Reilly. Jones says that some critics see flaws in the ways that the School Committee is administering to the schools. V: Footage of Michael McCormack (Boston City Council) saying that the School Committee needs to focus on educational policy; that the operations of the schools should be left up to the superintendent. Footage of O'Bryant saying that Wilson does not consult parents on issues affecting the schools. O'Bryant says that parental participation in the school system should be encouraged. Footage of Casper saying that parents are being encouraged to attend the meetings to push for their special interests; that Wilson cannot be expected to cater to parents while running the schools effectively. Jones stands outside the offices of the Boston School Committee. Jones quotes a spokesman for Wilson as saying that Wilson has no intention of leaving his post. Jones notes that Wilson will have another encounter with the School Committee at next month's meeting. V: Shot of Nucci.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/21/1987
Description: Emerson College will be moving from downtown Boston to Lawrence in 1992. Interview with a representative of Emerson on the reasons for the move. Interview with Lawrence Mayor Kevin Sullivan on the urban renewal project that will help improve the city. Sullivan, Gov. Dukakis, and Sen. Patricia McGovern speak at a ceremony held at the site along the Merrimack River. Construction in progress on site. Interview with William Callaghee, publisher of the Lawrence News, who speaks against the project. Interviews with Lawrence residents on the benefits they predict will come from the relocation of Emerson into their city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 12/27/1988
Description: In this story on linkage, Christy George gives history of Boston development boom and affordable housing decline. She describes proposed linkage between the two in the form of taxes on new development, the proceeds of which would go toward affordable housing. Kevin White press conference. Interview with Bruce Bolling on his proposed linkage law. Interview with housing advocate Robert McKay, who is also on the committee reviewing the linkage law. There is a discussion of how exactly linkage will work. Kevin White, Ray Flynn, Larry DiCara, and Dave Finnegan all weigh in on linkage as a mayoral campaign issue.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 08/16/1983
Description: Marcus Jones interviews Louis Elisa, from the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. Elisa and Jones walk through Roxbury and Franklin Park while they talk. Elisa talks about the need for the environmental movement to open up to minorities. Elisa notes that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa talks about his efforts to improve his own neighborhood. Elisa notes that he is trying to prevent the dumping of garbage on a nearby vacant lot. Jones and Elisa discuss the rehabilitation of Franklin Park in Roxbury. Elisa says that the Franklin Park Coalition sought corporate funding to clean up the park, leading to a public/private partnership. Elisa talks about the need to give young people access to the outdoors. He adds that access to the outdoors and recreational activities might decrease violence in the city. Following the edited story is additional footage of Elisa and Jones walking through the city as they discuss environmental issues.
1:00:05: Visual: Shots of the exterior of the Saltonstall Building on Cambridge Street in Boston; of Louis Elisa (State Office of Environmental Affairs) and Marcus Jones (WGBH reporter) exiting the building. Marcus Jones reports that Elisa works in the Saltonstall Building for the State Office of Environmental Affairs. Jones notes that Elisa is a neighborhood environmental activist in Roxbury. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones on the street. Elisa says that the environmental movement is often associated with rural and suburban areas; that many urban residents are concerned about the environment. Jones notes that Elisa is an African American urban resident; that the environmental movement has not done enough to reach minority and urban constituents. V: Footage of Elisa being interviewed by Jones. Elisa says that the environmental movement has been shortsighted; that many people see a great divide between rural and urban areas. Elisa says that many people do not believe that African Americans are committed to the environment. Elisa says that the environmental movement does not understand that African Americans use and enjoy parks and open spaces. Elisa says that the environmental movement needs to open up to minorities. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking down a Roxbury street. Jones reports that problems with crime and violence take precedence over environmental issues in Roxbury; that a group of environmentalists in Roxbury are trying to make a difference. Jones notes that Elisa and his neighbors have been trying to get a lot near his apartment building cleaned off. V: Shots of Jones and Elisa walking through an abandoned lot. Audio of Elisa saying that the lot is an eyesore; that the lot is an affront to the residents of the community. Elisa says that he called the city of Boston to complain about garbage being dumped on the lot. Elisa says that the city told him that the owner of the lot could do what he wanted with the lot. Elisa says that the neighboring houses are looked after carefully. Jones reports that Franklin Park is an example of an environmental success story in Roxbury. V: Shot of a golfer hitting a golf ball at Franklin Park. Footage of Elisa saying that a group of Roxbury residents including Elma Lewis got together to advocate for Franklin Field Park; that the advocates began to clean up the park. Elisa says that the park was created by Frederick Law Olmsted (landscape architect); that the park is an asset for the city. Elisa says that the advocates found corporate funding to clean up the park. Elisa says that the rehabilitation of the park is an example of a public-private partnership. Shots of golfers walking across the fairway at the golf course at Franklin Park; of the golf course. Shot of Elisa and Jones walking along a path in Franklin Park. Audio of Elisa saying that it is important for young people to have access to parks, campgrounds, ice skating rinks and coastal areas. Elisa says that more access to the outdoors might decrease violence in the inner city.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 04/18/1990
Description: Story opens with clips of civilians commenting on near possibility of war. Clip of Martin Luther King Jr. giving a sermon. Boston University Martin Luther King Professor of Ethics John Cartwright recalls Martin Luther King's legacy of non violence and pacifism. Cartwright explains the sad irony of imminent Persian Gulf war on King's birthday. Clip of King speaking about Vienam on April 15, 1967 at anti-Vietnam War march in New York City. Brief clip of King speaking at different rally. Ends with Cartwright talking about discussion of war through the context of King's work.
Collection: Ten O'Clock News
Date Created: 01/15/1991